Quantitative Mind

We have a history and passion for
data science and technology driven investing.

What is the meaning of Kupa?

noun. heap [noun] a large quantity, especially of money.
(source: Cambridge Dictionary)

Kupa, translated from Hebrew, means a place to store money, but in Habonim Dror it is

translated as a "cooperative fund."
(source: Camp Miriam)

About Us

Kupa is a cutting-edge global platform that brings together the realms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Wall Street. Its mission is to merge meticulously curated datasets, ensuring accuracy, timeliness, and relevance, with the immense capabilities of AI. Kupa leverages advanced AI technologies such as GenAI and LLM, which have been fine-tuned using top hedge fund data and investment knowledge. This powerful combination enables Kupa to deliver impactful and scalable investment insights to investors worldwide, irrespective of their level of expertise.

Our mission is to help people at all educational levels to better understand the financial markets and how to manage wealth and navigate the ever more complex world of investing. We feel that there are very few resources for average investors to access to gain better knowledge and information about where and how to invest. As investors with a greater capital base often have significantly more and better resources, the investment playing field is not fair for all investors.